Every person has a genetic basis and this genetic basis is passed on to us from our parents. Therefore, each person’s physical structure, fight against diseases, wound healing mechanisms and speeds, skin and body structures are very different from each other. While some people have baby-like skin, others have a rougher structure. These personal differences, ”i.e. genetic differences”, are aspects that we cannot change.

On the other hand, a process that we cannot change but can slow down is aging. Everyone ages at a certain rate. The most obvious changes in the aging process are observed in the face, neck and hands. Because these areas are open areas that provide direct communication with the outside world and are constantly in contact with sunlight. As we age, losses occur in the supporting tissues (subcutaneous fat pads) and bone structures of our face, deterioration occurs in the collagen and elastic layers of the skin, and sagging occurs in our skin due to the effect of gravity.

Growth stops from the age of 20 and from this period onwards, the aging process begins with a period of stagnation and regression that gradually begins. Especially, protecting the skin frequently with high protection factor creams and staying away from alcohol and cigarettes are very important in preventing skin aging. However, regular skin care, PRP and mesotherapy (vitamins) between the ages of 20-30 have been indispensable in the last 10 years in preserving the quality of the skin and delaying aging.

These small investments we make in our skin, our largest organ, form a basis for later ages.

Today, the demand for non-surgical, quickly applicable procedures that do not affect daily life after the procedure is rapidly increasing. People between the ages of 30-50 are the age group most interested in these applications. With regular (average of 6 months) treatment treatments, the skin quality of this age group, which used to be considered middle-aged, has significantly increased and their skin ages have started to fall behind their chronological ages.

At this stage, new approaches emerge every day and people should definitely have the most necessary procedures that are appropriate for their skin and in a certain order with their doctors. It should be known that not every application is right for every person and again, not every application may give the same results for every person.

Liquid face lift, which we have started to do recently; Those who have not made the necessary investments in their skin in the past, who are in their 35-40s, who have started to have significant tissue losses in their skin and who are affected by gravity, are suitable candidates.

What is applied here is to replace the substances the skin has lost and to achieve a natural, healthy appearance. In the application, the losses of the skin and subcutaneous tissues are replaced in layers.

Liquid face lift is one of the newest facial rejuvenation applications that do not require surgery and anesthesia. It is the injection of liquid substances into sagging areas where subcutaneous fat pads and support tissue have decreased.

With this new filling technique, sagging areas such as cheeks, cheekbones, chin/jawline, eyebrows and around the mouth can be lifted. Facial contours can be reshaped and highlighted. The substances used replace the lost volume, increase the texture quality and radiance of the skin, and at the same time provide a tightened appearance. Thus, people gain a very natural, bright and shiny skin, moisture balance is restored, lifting is provided, sagging and sagging are eliminated, and a young appearance is achieved.

The application is done with very thin cannulas and needles, in 15-20 minutes, and since local anesthetic creams are used beforehand, no pain is felt. Since there is usually no bruising or swelling, daily routine can be returned to normal after the application. Since the products used are compatible with the natural structure of the skin, there are no side effects and the effectiveness lasts for 1.5 years. Reinforcements can be made when necessary.